Cleaning and Maintenance: Air conditioning, heat pumps in Boucherville

The use of air conditioning units such as wall-mounted air conditioner or wall-mounted heat pump is common nowadays. And their importance is no longer to be demonstrated especially if you live in a city like Boucherville. Only, to continue to enjoy this equipment, it is necessary to maintain it.

Indeed, given that it is a device that is used almost all the time, that is, in winter as in summer, it is essential to entrust this cleaning task to professionals

In Laval, there is an essential company specializing in the maintenance of these devices. It intervenes precisely in Boucherville. This is Climabionet whose multiple services we will discover.

Why is it important to clean a wall-mounted heat pump or air conditioner in Boucherville?

This device allows its user to adjust the ambient temperature of his house. In other words, the wall-mounted heat pump can either warm or cool the air circulating in the room as needed. There are models that can produce domestic hot water. For this purpose, it uses the coil as a gateway to transfer heat or fresh air from one compartment to another. For this reason, it is therefore essential to clean the heat pump regularly.

The consequences of a poorly maintained wall-mounted heat pump

When you do not properly clean the wall-mounted heat pump or air conditioner, you expose yourself to several diseases. In fact, the lack of maintenance of these devices causes condensation of dust, development of bacteria and formation of mold on the walls of the device. Impact: This not only impairs the proper functioning of the device, but also reduces the life of your machine. As a result, the wall-mounted heat pump or air conditioner can produce unhealthy air that can be a source of health problems. For example, you may develop diseases such as asthma, difficulty breathing or lung infections.

illustration in questioning How do I know when my wall-mounted heat pump or air conditioner needs cleaning?

There are several symptoms that can let you know if your air conditioner needs maintenance. These include:

  • The decrease in the efficiency of the device;
  • The appearance of mold of all kinds and dust;
  • Inconsistent noises coming from the fan
  • Abnormal flow of water;
  • The rejection of rubbish
  • The propulsion of bad odors.

When is the ideal time to clean the wall-mounted heat pump?

The best way to optimize and keep intact the proper functioning of this device is to use the professional. This one will do a regular inspection of your device. To do this, it is advisable to do the maintenance of your device in autumn, because it has been heavily solicited in summer. This makes it possible to make its efficiency optimal in winter.

When the frequency with which you maintain your air conditioner is regular, you not only boost the life of the device, but you also improve and maintain its performance.

To do this, prevention is required by changing the filters at least twice a year. It is also advisable to check the other components to be sure that the cleaning is complete and deep. It is necessary to check among others the control circuit, the compressors,the valve and the capacitor.

On the other hand, take advantage of this opportunity to add lubricant to the fan without omitting to clean the coils. Cleaning the coils limits the amount of pollutants in the air.

How do we clean a customer’s wall-mounted air conditioner?

To clean a climatiseur mural, we are working on several steps. Indeed, to begin with, we carry out a verification and a statement of the operating values. But before us, we set up a device to protect the place of cleaning. Then we disassemble and clean the covers, fins,and filters. After which follows the degreasing of all the internal parts. Cleaning is done with a well-controlled water pressure.

For a thorough cleaning, we check if the drain is clogged in order to unclog it at all costs. We also disinfect the air conditioner with an antibacterial solution. Also, we clean the external compressor in case it is accessible. And finally, we put the device back in focus and then check if it is working properly.

Cleaning techniques

They are available in three points: degreasing, cleaning and disinfection. Degreasing is an essential step since it removes the grease layer from the air conditioner. At the cleaning stage, we spray the air conditioner directly with water, making sure that it detaches the debris from the device without damaging its components.

Water flow from your air conditioner: what to do?

When your air conditioner starts to run water, it’s usually a sign that your unit is not being maintained. In these cases, it is a fouling or obstruction of the pipe that causes abnormal water runoff. This actually impairs the proper functioning of the exhaust system. It is advisable in these cases to quickly call on professionals like Climabionet to avoid a water overflow that can damage the wall or floor of your market.

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6535 valade Laval Street, QC H7L 3E2



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