Has it been more than three years since your air conditioner was properly cleaned?

What you should know is that a lack of air conditioner maintenance will not only cause malfunctions of your unit but also serious health problems such as:

  • Mold formation.
  • Formation of mushrooms.
  • Development of bacteria.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergies and headaches.


Water flow

My air conditioner is leaking water?

The production of water is a normal operating phenomenon of the air conditioner linked to the natural condensation of its evaporator. Very often, the flow is due to the obstruction of the drain by the accumulation of dirt. The problem will disappear after our deep cleaning. 

Frost Formation

air conditioner forms frost?

The accumulation of dust on the filters or the coil prevents good air circulation which will facilitate the formation of ice. 

A frozen air conditioner diffuses less air and consumes more energy since the fan must work harder to provide the required temperature. Don’t delay and act quickly. Your air conditioner needs a good cleaning.

Mold and fungus

Is your air conditioner noisy?
The air conditioner draws in the hot ambient air and cools it in the evaporator to then rebroadcast it into the house. Given this operation of the air conditioner and the lack of cleaning, it is normal to notice mold and fungus since the dust accumulated in a humid environment will be a source of nutrients for volatile organic compounds which form unpleasant odors.

Limited ventilation

My air conditioner diffuses less cold air than normal?
Filters clogged with dust, a coil choked with impurities or a blower roller overloaded with lumps. The accumulation of dirt inside the internal parts of the device causes air restriction and greatly reduces its diffusion.


Is your air conditioner vibrating?
Normally the fan is balanced at the factory, the manufacturer installs small balancers directly on the blades of the fan. With the lack of cleaning, your air conditioner will find itself loaded with lumps which will cause an unbalance of the fan which will influence the performance of the device thus causing major repairs which couldprove to be very expensive.

Reduced durability

Reduced durability?
Your air conditioner is one of the most expensive systems in your home, ignoring its maintenance will one day force you to spend a lot of money on major repairs.

Give your air conditioner a second wind, good periodic maintenance keeps your device in good working order for as long as possible.

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