Cleaning and Maintenance: Air conditioning, heat pumps in Saint-Lambert

city of Saint-Lambert

Air conditioning in rooms is a common habit all over the world. Once installed, air conditioners must be kept in optimal and impeccable condition. Cleaning an air conditioner (central air conditioner or wall-mounted air conditioner) requires art and mastery. Keeping an air conditioner in optimal condition however can seem like a concern when you don’t know how to do it. Some people trying to maintain their
wall-mounted air conditioner
themselves, end up damaging it. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, it is best to turn to structures specializing in the cleaning and maintenance of air conditioners. This is the case of Climabionet which is no longer presented.

You are in Saint-Lambert and you want to do the maintenance of your air conditioners? Make an appointment with the professional cleaners of this company specializing in the maintenance of air conditioners and heat pumps.

Maintain your air conditioners in Saint-Lambert

It is useless to remind you of the reasons why you need to maintain your air conditioner. When a material we use begins to wear out, indeed we are fed up. Cleaning an air conditioner requires a few steps and techniques that must be followed.

Maintain air conditioning air filters

This step is very crucial since air conditioners retain dust and pollen, a potential nest of bacteria. It must be said that air conditioning accumulates a huge amount of suspended particles. The cleaning of the air filter of the device is in principle done every two weeks. Are you surely wondering what this is for? This step allows you to check, on a regular basis, the condition of the air filters and if they need to be changed.

Here are the steps to follow here:

  • Open the trunk of the air conditioner:to carry out this operation, it will be necessary that the lower unit of your air conditioning is easily accessible. Never forget to turn off your air conditioner before proceeding with its
  • Detach the air filter
  • Dust the air filter
  • Rinse the air filter

Replace activated carbon filters

Carbon filters after a lifetime of use provide unpleasant odors. So, in order not to suffer the punishments of the unpleasant odors of activated carbon filters,it is advisable to replace them every year. Activated carbon has the ability to retain odors. So, if you don’t replace them after a period, they release everything.

Activated carbon filter replacement process:

  • Remove carbon filters (it is important to detect them.)
  • Rinse activated carbon filters

different techniques, tips and tricks on the trades in Saint-Lambert Three techniques for cleaning heat pumps in Saint-Lambert

Climabionet is a company specialized in the cleaning of wall-mounted air conditioner and
central heat pump
. It is constantly on the rise. It uses unique air conditioner and heat pumpcleaning techniques. These techniques make it the best company in the place. These techniques include:

  • Degreasing: this method removes the fat layer.
  • Cleaning: the pressure use that is spilled on the air conditioner to remove debris and dust
  • Disinfection: this is the last step that is the most important consisting in the elimination of microorganisms that have resisted degreasing and cleaning.

Heat pump washing

Themaintenance of any equipment guarantees its proper functioning. For long-term use, and this, in optimal condition,cleaning your heat pump becomes an obligation. The maintenance of a heat pump is usually done at least once a year.

Heat pump in Saint-Lambert Why is it important to maintain a heat pump?

There is a variety of heat pumps (wall,central, etc.). Washing the heat pump consists of seeing the overall operation of the equipment (ducts, gas and electrical connections, etc.). Cleaning the heat pump makes it possible to obtain a number of results from the use of the latter:

  • Maintain the device in a state of optimal quality;
  • Maintain optimal air quality;
  • Prevent debris;
  • Make your device new again.

It is then important tomaintain your heat pump to not only check the proper functioning of the entire system, but, and above all, to maintain optimal air quality.

How is the heat pump maintained in Saint-Lambert?

The services and structures specializing in heat pump cleaning each have a strategy and a procedure specific to it. Maintenance is generally done through:

  • Disassembly:this step consists of removing the parts of the device in order to see in depth what it may have as problems;
  • Checking the condition of the elements(filters, control circuit, compressor, valve, condenser, coils, fans);
  • Cleaning which consists of sending water into the device to remove dust and others;
  • Replacement of defective parts.

It is recommended to change some elements of the heat pump after a period of use. As for the filters, in one year it is recommended to change them at least twice.

In conclusion, it is important and urgent to keep your air conditioners and heat pumps in optimal condition to avoid breakdowns that could damage them. It is also important to entrust it to a qualified company in Saint-Lambert to do so. Contact a company specializing in air conditioner and heat pump cleaning like Climabionet to ensure the proper functioning of your devices.

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6535 valade Laval Street, QC H7L 3E2



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  • Residential
  • Condominiums
  • Commercial
  • Hotel
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